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Mind-Blowing Factor about Upcoming Windows 8

Steven Sinofsky, president, Windows and Windows Live Division noted in a recent interview that there simply was no way of telling how Microsoft would be able to outdo Windows 7 with the forthcoming Windows 8. And yet, a Program Manager on the Windows team, working on Windows Update, published a blog post in which he enthusiastly promised that Windows 8 would end up being completely different than everything customers expected of a Windows release. While it offered no actual details on the next iteration of Windows, the PM managed to shed light on the enthusiasm that was undoubtedly fueling the people behind the Windows project, as Windows 7 was a smashing success, with over 60 million sold licenses since launch.As more and more details were made available of Windows 7, Microsoft watchers commented that the company had set only modest goals for the release and that it managed to overdeliver on them. It is clear that neither Microsoft’s own, nor customers are expecting the same of Windows 8. In fact, I would dare say that there are already high expectations of Windows 8 forming, especially inside Microsoft.

MSFTKitchen recently linked to a CIO interview with Mangelaars, regional vice president, Consumer and Online, EMEA, Microsoft. Mangelaars admitted that Apple had been making headway against Microsoft, but noted that the software giant produced an excellent OS with Windows 7. "Apple is doing well on the PC side but Windows 7 is a blockbuster. We got it really right. For me, Windows 8 will be mind-blowing," he stated.

Setting high standards for a project is undoubtedly a move contributing to driving innovation and a way for Windows 8 to be a revolutionary platform, as opposed to the evolutionary Windows 7. But, at the same time, goals need to be realistic and achievable. Microsoft needs to absolutely avoid overpromising and under-delivering, namely a repeat of Windows Vista. Nobody wants a comeback of the Wow, I’m sure.


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